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When you start meditating, you may find yourself thinking about the past or worrying about what’s going on in your future — and that can be a good thing!


It is no secret that meditating is an incredibly rewarding experience. It is not only great for the mind and body, but it is also pretty amazing for the soul too. Needless to say, it’s the best practice to remember who and why you truly are. For someone just starting a meditating practice, it can be a little daunting if you do not know what to expect. To help you, below are four of the most common experiences people have when they start meditating:


1. You’ll feel more relaxed and less stressed

One of the more common experiences of meditating is that you’ll feel more relaxed and less stressed. This is because when you take the time to focus on your breath and clear your mind, you’re giving yourself a break from the constant stresses of daily life. You won’t be able to help but smile when you experience this — and it will serve as motivation on how you should start each day!


2. You’ll become more focused and productive

4 Experiences You'll Have When You Start Meditating - more focus

Start meditating to be more productive and focused.

When you start meditating, you’ll find that your focus and productivity increase. You will notice a decrease in the amount of time it takes to get things done. This is because as you meditate, you learn to focus on what you’re doing at any given moment. You won’t have as much time to worry about other things going on around you and your mind will be clear of distractions.


3. You’ll start to notice your thoughts and emotions more clearly

When you start meditating, you may find yourself thinking about the past or worrying about what’s going on in your future — and that can be a good thing! It means you’re paying attention to how you feel at any given moment. This is because when you quiet your mind and focus on your breath, you’re able to become more aware of what’s going on inside of you.

You can then begin to identify the thoughts and emotions that are causing stress or anxiety in your life. Once you’ve identified them, you can work towards changing those patterns by replacing negative ones with positive ones.


4. You’ll experience a sense of peace and calmness


You’ll feel like you’re in the middle of an ocean with no waves or wind to disturb your inner tranquility.


This may not likely be the first thing you notice, but it is a great reason to start your journey into meditation. You’ll feel like you’re in the middle of an ocean with no waves or wind to disturb your inner tranquility. The experience will help calm any nerves or fears you may have about meditating.

Once you’ve gotten used to the peace and calmness that comes with meditation, you’ll return to the practice to experience it in larger degrees. You’ll also begin to experience other benefits more frequently.


Remember, meditating is investing in YOU

4 Experiences You'll Have When You Start Meditating - investment

Invest in YOU by meditating.

The benefits of meditating are numerous and well documented. You are now aware of a handful of experiences you will have when meditating. Many of the experiences are also benefits of the practice. The most important thing to remember is that meditating is an investment you make in your mind and body.

Consider it a form of preventive health care. And a path to remembering who you truly are.


Don’t wait to begin your meditating practice.
Schedule your 1:1 coaching session today!

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